Dreamers are everywhere. One of them is in the form of a small spark in a fireplace somewhere. Meet Flemming. All his life he has looked up the chimney and wondered what might be out there. This specific day rain started to pour. As the drops started hitting the fire all around Flemming the Blast from a nearby drop send him flying upwards in the chimney. Help him evade the rain as he flies towards the end of the chimney and fulfill his dream once and for all :)
This is also a small study in how a small change in mechanics can turn a game around. Follow the path of either Flemming the flame on his quest to freedom or protect the small Ignises from the rain as the Umbrella. While Flemming avoids the rain and collects his fellow Ignises the Umbrella Tried to get in the way of the rain and protect the Ignises. GO!
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